
  • 水疗
  • 2018年2月19日
  • 7728
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作者:Julia Chang 2018年2月19日

在最近一次去葡萄酒之乡的旅行中, I was convinced to go not only to sip on the best cabs and pinots 纳帕 Valley had to offer, but to get down and dirty with a mud bath spa treatment from MoonAcre Spa and Baths卡利斯托加汽车旅馆.

Framed by vineyards and bike trails, with underground, geothermal hot springs of mineral water, Calistoga 有著名的治疗历史吗. 半个多世纪以前, members of the Wappo tribe were the first to discover a natural volcanic hot spring near the foot of Mount St. 海伦娜. 其余的, 正如他们所说, 是spa-history, with patrons coming from far and wide to partake in the curative powers of Calistoga, by relaxing in a mineral hot spring or a volcanic mud bath.

图片由 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆和水疗中心奥布里·匹克

后者正是我当初选择的, 虽然抵达后, I was informed that enjoying MoonAcre’s ‘mudocracy’ was less a mud bath than it was a playful, 混合你自己的泥吧. The new take on an age-old health ritual fit right in with MoonAcre’s updated and unbuttoned aesthetic and vibe. 仍然, it relinquishes none of the luxe factors you’d want in a spa, 比如选择按摩, 面部美容, 豪华的产品, as well as specialty treatments starring Calistoga’s famed mineral water.

仿照一个经典的澡堂, MoonAcre Spa and Baths puts a quirky spin on mineral springs and therapies from around the world. 水疗中心设有七个理疗室, 和几个, 比如更衣室和蒸汽室, are covered in a soothing palette of soft mint and deep blue pool tiles, encouraging a deep-seated relaxation no matter your chosen experience.

图片由 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆和水疗中心奥布里·匹克

就在更衣室外面, I sip a cold glass of lemon-cucumber water and admire the wall of words that advises snake oil and other restorative libations. The tongue-in-cheek signage tickles my writerly fancy (elsewhere, in a similarly tiled soak room with four standalone clawfoot tubs, a sign labeled ‘Pool Rules’ advises patrons ‘do not attempt duet event without partner’), though it is perhaps not for anyone who can’t laugh a little at life.

The MoonAcre spa itself is set serenely away from the bustle of the lodge, 在一个隐蔽的地方. 这个水疗中心比从外面看起来要大, 有一个大的封闭式花园和露台区, 有充足的休闲家具,可以安静地晒太阳. I catch a glimpse of the egg-shaped Acapulco and imagine myself lounging on it in the sun with one of MoonAcre’s mimosas or glasses of mulled wine, before reminding myself that I’m here to draw the toxins out, 而不是吸收它们.

图片由 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆和水疗中心奥布里·匹克

A spa attendant arrives to escort me and my spa-mate to the outdoor sink, 她在哪里放了两桶土. 我学到了什么, 然而, is that this isn’t just any garden variety dirt — this stuff is from France, 如果混合得当, 变成绿色法国粘土和白色卡洛琳粘土.

她重申,这不会是一个传统的泥浴. 我不是特别介意, since those require me to be neck deep in a tub full of ash, 泥炭, 还有矿泉水, waiting for the heat — generated by my own body and insulated by the mud — to draw out the toxins in my skin. 绝对透明, 我从来没洗过传统的泥浴, 但我更喜欢这种DIY泥吧的体验, 因为泥浆是在小, 新鲜的批次, and I can still enjoy a full range of motion while waiting for my skin to purify.

Patiently, the spa attendant instructs us on how to properly cover ourselves with the clay. The White Caroline is for the face and neck and other sensitive areas, 比如腋下或膝盖后面, 皮肤的一部分, 直到这一刻, 我根本没考虑过. The green clay is for everywhere else, and we’re encouraged to really coat it on.

图片由 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆和水疗中心奥布里·匹克

她带我们去蒸汽房, since the winds outside make it too cold to lay out in the darling patio garden. 内部, 空气是可见的, 白雾, and we giggle as we start smearing white clay on our faces, 不确定我们做得对不对. We realize that we have been given permission to cover ourselves with mud and commit with enthusiasm. The white clay is fine and goes on smoothly, like an expensive night cream. 绿色的粘土又厚又凉,粘糊糊的, 我们躺下之前会在身上涂上厚厚的一层, mud-side起来, 沐浴在桉树香味的蒸汽中. My spa-mate immediate zones out with a cool towel over his eyes, so I am left to amuse myself. 我检查一下粘土做得怎么样了, 抬起我的腿, discover th在 color of the clay on my skin matches the beautiful green pool tile. I say as much to my spa-mate, and get nothing in response. 我的手指滑动滑动, 重新分配泥巴,给腿上色, an experience remarkably like the fingerpainting sessions of my childhood.

大约十分钟后, we go outside to rinse off the mud in the outdoor showers, where the spa attendant has also set fresh bowls of clay for us to paint our front sides. By now, the wind has died down considerably, so we opt to paint ourselves out in the enclosed patio. 我们轮流, each one laying face-down on the teal pool chairs as the other literally paints on the clay. 这是一种我未曾预料到的有趣和异想天开的方式, taking a clean paint brush and using long brush strokes to color my spa-mate’s back, 手腕上, 手腕了, coloring inside the lines of my fellow mud-adventurer’s silhouette.

图片由 卡利斯托加汽车旅馆和水疗中心奥布里·匹克

When both of our backs are coated with clay, we lay on our towels, ready to bake. 令人惊讶的是,泥很快就变硬了, and soon the back of my arm looks like it has developed an advanced state of Greyscale. 我们回到桉树的迷雾中, 趴着, and I watch as the baked clay on my arm slowly rehydrates over the course of our second steam session. 感觉完全放松, 我透过玻璃门往外看花园, and note dreamily the quality of the world through the condensation-heavy panels. 蒸汽室冥想结束得太快了, as there is another pair that has booked the mud bar experience after us, 但我不能抱怨,因为我是禅宗.

After a luxurious wash in the rainfall shower (make sure it’s a good one — the clay ends up in rather unexpected places), 我使用了所有的内部设备, grapefruit-scented产品, 该回家了, driving through 纳帕 Valley but already dreaming about my next Calistoga spa trip.
